It was only a matter of time. First was the Fuji GFX, then came the Hasselblad X1D, The Leica SL and Nikon Z was soon to follow, and now even the new Canon EOS R can be a part of the Actus family.

Because of the smaller bayonet size of the Canon EOS-R it is able to be used across the entire Actus (Actus XL or Actus-G with Optional AC-78E Interchangeable bayonet) range.

Just replace or attach the four mounting screws, and your EOS-R is ready to be used.
Our design team is busy updating our lens compatibility list to reflect the latest camera bodies, so please keep checking back for more information as it becomes available.
Cambo Actus-G with Actar 60, AC-782, and Canon EOS-R Cambo Actus-G with Actar 24, AC-782, and Canon EOS-R
Contact your Cambo dealer of choice to get yours ordered!
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